Have you ever dealt with a person who is bored, frustrated and crying all at once? If you have then I hope you did not get punched by them because something you said to them and if you have not then I can warn you what you should not say to a person in such a state. A person is usually bored because they can’t find anything to do that interest them or they have done all the chores of the day and nothing is left. So here are things you should NOT say to them:
- Be Strong
If a person is crying that doesn’t mean they are weak. Understand they are crying because of your safety, they don’t want to punch you in the face out of frustration so the release their frustration through tears. (if you really want to give this advice wear your knight dress and then give so that they can’t punch you)
“Kabhi Kabhi Aesa Hota Hai”, they know this it is just they did not expect to be that worse.
- Do Something
Source: Giphy
Well, as per common sense suggest people are bored because they have nothing to do. So instead of saying do something give them the suggestion that what they can do.
- Don’t be frustrated, go to sleep
Source: Giphy
Just for once tell me how can someone sleep when they are frustrated? Because as far as I know to sleep one needs to be at peace or their mind needs to relax. They can’t sleep when they want to punch someone for giving them stupid advice.
Guys the best thing you can do for a person who is bored, frustrated and crying all at once is that either you take them out or stay away from them and leave them alone (this will be good for your safety ).
Also read Why being honest sucks?
Article By: ARPITA