With stressful lifestyles and schedules, migraine has become a common problem for most people. Migraine can be simply defined as a painful headache that is so bad that it leads to a patient to lose a track of most of the activities for a few minutes. The patient can experience pain on one side of the head or at a particular point. So, if you think it is like a regular headache it is not. Frequent ones can be really troublesome as they hamper you to take up your daily activities. So, in this article, we will be sharing some smart tips and ways by which you can control your migraine attack with the help of natural remedies and eating less medicine.
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Well according to Ayurveda, Migraine reason is Vata caused by lifestyle disease. Majorly, in lamen term it is caused by an irregular routine. Some of the common causes of the issue are women’s hormone, insomnia, toxicity, computer, hunger, and barometric changes.
Here are some ways of keeping away Migraine naturally.
Follow a routine
Follow a Vata pacifying diet
Take some time off
Drink Ginger Tea
Use peppermint oil
Use essential oils
Add Magnesium to diet
Apply Nutmeg Paste
Using Sesame Oil
Indulge in Yoga
Make your DIY Neti pot
Make your DIY Headache oil
Follow A Routine:
The best way is to start by following a routine. Go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time. Keep the schedule as fixed as possible this reduces the chances of any stress and anxiety keeping the migraine attacks at the bay. A proper routine will help you manage any stress relating to work or personal life. It will help you to be stable and stress less which ultimately becomes the reason for migraine in most of the cases.
Follow A Vata Pacifying Diet:
Indulge in warm and properly cooked foods, Include spices like black pepper, cumin, and ginger. Favour sweet and salty tastes, while avoiding bitter and astringent foods. Avoid consuming caffeine, cold and dry foods. Keep away from hard cheeses, pickled foods, chocolates, beans, and dried fruits. Follow this diet and see the change in the body and also the impact it has on migraine. It is a known fact that a proper diet along with natural ingredient always brings a positive change in our life.
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Take 10 minutes out of every hour to just slow down, do some deep breathing, go outside, get some fresh air. Spend some time with an oil massage just before the bath. This one must add to the daily ritual. spending time with oneself can help one with claiming themselves and not being chaotic. It is very important that people who are indulged in work which doesn’t allow them to spend time beyond the four walls taken some time just for about 10 min to breath in and out in peace.
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Drink Ginger Tea:
if you suffer from symptoms like nausea ginger root ea id the answer. Consuming tea helps to stop prostaglandins, which is a compound that stimulates muscles contraction and causes a headache. Add ginger to your daily diet considering it is a superfood and helps in promoting overall well being.
Use Peppermint Oil:
The use of peppermint oil has been found useful to treat migraines. The menthol in the oil makes sure that the migraine attacks keep at bay. The best way is to apply it to the temples and forehead. This takes care of migraine-associated pain, nausea, and light sensitivity.
Use Essential Oils:
Inhaling essential oils like rosemary, lavender, and jasmine can be really helpful to treat migraine attacks. The inhalation of soothing scents will help to reduce and to ease the pain. Lavender Oil helps to reduce pain and ease tension attacks. It helps as a mild sedative that calms down. Rosemary oil helps in maintaining hormonal imbalances, which is a major cause of migraines in women. Add these oils to hot water and inhaled with steam.
Add Magnesium To Diet:
Magnesium deficiency is a silent cause of migraines. Adding magnesium-rich foods keeps you away from menstrual-related migraines. You can get magnesium from almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews, oatmeal, eggs, and milk. As mentioned above diet plays a very vital role in the well being of humans, therefore, it is advised to add that magnesium-rich food in your diet if you want to tackle the migraine.
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Apply Nutmeg Paste:
A simple way of getting rid of migraine attacks is making a paste of crushed nutmeg powder and water and massage on your forehead. The paste helps in promoting sleep and relieving headaches. It keeps you relief in any situation. This will give you instant relief from headache.
Using Sesame Oil:
Make use of sesame oil as a nasal drop. This helps in balancing an aggravated Vata dosha. The dry feature of Vata leads to dehydration and stiffness of muscles that results in migraine headache. In order to release a bit of stress, All you need is put 4 drops of sesame oil in your nose once a day till the migraine attack stats, This will help to cause the head pressure and relaxes your body.
Indulge In Yoga:
Yoga is a great way of calming the mind and relaxing the blood vessels. The honey bee pose is the best pose for taking care of migraine headaches. It is pretty simple to take up, all you need is to use humming sound vibrations tend to soothe the nerves around the brain and forehead. Place the index fingers in both your ears and then place the fingers on the cartilage. Breathe in, breathe out, gently press the cartilage and make a humming sound like a bee.
Make Your DIY Neti Pot:
A Neti pot is a simple way of cleansing the sinuses. Use a warm, moisturizing Nasya oil, which has Ayurvedic nervine sedatives, brain tonic herbs, antibacterial oils, and cleansing essential oils. To make your own saline mixture, combine about 16 ounces (1 pint) of lukewarm water (distilled, sterile, or previously boiled) with 1 teaspoon of salt. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to buffer the solution that will make it a little gentler on your nose. Put the mixture into a clean Neti pot.
Make Your DIY Headache Oil:
If you are not familiar with this one, there is a super oil, named mahanarayana oil, which has been made with equal parts of the herbs Brahmi, shanka, pushpi and jatamansi oil. Pat this oil on the top of the head and just relax, see how this one works. Oiling on certain points on the head can help you relive you of the pain and leave behind a pleasant feel.