When a toddler is learning to read, comics can be helpful foster love and enjoyment for books. Nowadays, it is difficult to find an appropriate comic book. The appropriate range of choices for this specific age group and reading level is narrow, but it contains some fabulous picks.
Here is a list of some great choices to consider giving your early reader considering the reading level and content appropriateness.
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- Toon Books
The best go-to option for parents looking for quality comics for early readers is the graphic novels from Toon Books. Started in 2008 by comics power couple Françoise Mouly and Art Spiegelman, Toon Books are the only comics publisher that organizes their publications by reading level. For early readers, they have several great offerings spread across two levels: for ages 3+ and ages 4. The best thing about Toon Books is the quality of the creative talent. Most books come in hardcover and softcover format and readily available in bookstores.
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- Owly
For early readers, trying to gain their confidence with the written word, there are comics like Owly that let the pictures do the talking. These books are mostly wordless, sometimes using word balloons that contain pictures instead of words. This is a great way of getting new readers into the flow of reading without stumbling over word recognition. The stories revolve around friendship, loyalty, and nature. The illustrations will give your little reader a lot to look at and talk about.
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- Tiny Titans
Art Baltazar and Franco Aureliani have created all-ages superhero comics in kid-friendly style. The book Tiny Titans ran for 50 issues from 2008 until 2012, twice winning the comics industry’s top award for Best Kids Series, and has been collected across 8 volumes of trade paperbacks.
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- Scooby Doo Team-Up
One of the most enjoyable kid comics in recent years is Scooby-Doo Team-Up. It has the Scooby Doo gang meeting various DC Comics heroes as well as characters from classic Hanna-Barbera cartoons. These are fun stories and kid-friendly introduction to superheroes like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.
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- Panchtantra
The stories of Panchatantra are the oldest tales in Indian history. It consists of five parts and tells about five ways that help human being succeed in life. The stories revolve around animal characters.
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- Champak
The largest read children’s magazine, Champak is published by Delhi Press in 8 languages. It is a compilation of short stories, comic strips, puzzles, brain teasers, and jokes. The first edition of Champak was released in 1968 which got instant fame.