One thing is very simple that our mood depends on our hairstyle and messes and frizziness spoils the hairstyle. Straightener or curler may seem like a great option for frizzy hair, but using these tools causes more damage to our hair, making our hair weaker and tarnished. Let us know how to get rid of this frigidity.
Choose the right pillow
We tell you a little secret, which movie stars and hairstylists recommend to try. And that is to use silk covered pillows. Gold on a silk-covered pillow is beneficial for your hair. Due to its smoothness, your hair rubs less on the pillow, which causes fewer tangles and breakage. While cotton pillow covers absorb the natural moisturizer and oil from the hair, your hair becomes dry and dry. Therefore, by using silk cover you can get rid of all these problems.
Choose the best quality shampoo
Almost all shampoos have high sulfate content, which snatches natural oil from our hair. Therefore you should always use such shampoo, which is sulfate and paraben-free. Also, see the amount of glycerin in the shampoo. Glycerin helps in reducing the frizziness of hair. Also, do not rub the hair excessively while shampooing the hair, because it causes more hair breakage. Instead, squeeze them clean with light hands.
Have a regular haircut
Taking a haircut regularly helps in avoiding frizziness and getting rid of two mouth hairs. You can also get advice from your hairstylist about the cuts that can help manage your curly hair. You can also ask about the type of shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair and be sure to know how many times you can use them in a week.
Conditioning your hair properly
Many times it happens that you are in a hurry and apply a little conditioner to the hair and also wash it immediately. Whereas ideally, conditioner should stay in your hair for two to five minutes only then it works correctly. Haste does not help the conditioner to reduce friability. If you are among those who are always in a hurry, then you choose a holiday for yourself, so that you do not have to hurry during conditioning. Also, when you are traveling, keep a hair serum in your bag. It is short term management but it helps to nourish your hair for some time.
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Say goodbye to towels
The moment your hair is wet, it is the weakest and breaks more when pulled. So when you use heavy towels to dry your hair, your hair is pulled from the roots. The towel is harmful to hair. If you use them very comfortably, you still make the hair frizzy. There are many post-shower hair wraps available in the market to avoid this hassle, which you can use. If you do not want to buy from the market, you can dry your hair by wrapping it in an old cotton T-shirt.
Apply oil mask for frizzy hair
Oiling is a great way to moisturize hair and prevent unwanted frizziness. Apply coconut oil to hair and shampoo it after half an hour or DIY oil mask can also be made. Like- Mix three different oils, coconut, olive, and castor oil together and heat it on low flame. Add one spoon mustard seeds and some curry leaves to the mixture and cooks for two to three minutes. When this mixture cools down, add aloe vera gel to it and apply it to your hair. With this DIY hair mask, your hair will become soft and shiny.
Your hair depends on your diet
What you eat affects not only your skin but also your hair. If you are not including the foods that benefit your hair in your diet, then your hair will be more likely to fall or fall and this also affects the texture of your hair. To know whether your hair locks are in the right shape, take protein-rich foods in your diet. Eat dry fruits and drink green tea in the evening snacks. Some dry fruits that you should eat daily, such as walnuts and almonds. Apart from this, you should also include tomato, flaxseed, paneer, and chickpeas in your diet.