You and your ex-had a break up 5-6 months back and now you want to know that he/she cares but you are too scared to talk. In this type of situation, most of us would just wait for a miracle to happen. Well if you are waiting for a miracle you might end up waiting till your last breath. So better idea instead of waiting try something that might show you that still care about you. As far as I know, if someone cares for you they will definitely show you in some way or the other. So let’s get to the point here are some ways to find out:
- Packed Bags
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For this, all you have to do is take pictures of your packed bags and post it a story on social media. Usually, people do reply and ask; where are you going all of a sudden and all. So try your luck
- Injections
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This would scare them as it would be the most unexpected thing. Just post a photo of the syringe and don’t have any caption.
- Air Tickets
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If anyone of your family member is flying away then just grab their ticket hide the name and post with caption leaving forever.
- Hospital Picture
image source Pinterest
Well, this is a sure shot way to know because seeing someone hospitalized is not only scary but it is begging of every negative thought. So have a try.
Well if you get any reply from the above ways then you are lucky enough to know that they still care and if you don’t, then don’t cry just close the chapter and move ahead with your life.
Article By: Arpita