“gopi bahu tumne chai banai?”, “ Kamolikaaaa” over dramatic and boring like our generation literally hates watching these saas-bahu seriels, plus these day these are not only limited to the saas-bahu. They are adamant on converting characters into naag’s and nagin’s, houseflies and what not. I think writers of these soaps are high on some rare kind of drugs! Because what they write is hieghts of imaginations.
I mean converting main female lead into a housefly who would save her family is something beyond the imagination levels of human kind. Well, these days we don’t find anything good watch. We spend time shuffling the channels and mostly either sticking some movie channel or switching that idiot box off.
But in this time of entertainment crisis, some people came as our saviors and the made some amazing short relatable web series which will not only entertain you but they might provide you some different perception to things which you might be experiencing or had experienced in past. So the here are some web series in our list that you can watch:
- The Pitchers
A story of four friends who go through the struggle of launching their own start-up. “Tu Beer Hai” an iconic dialogue of this series. this show will keep you high on emotions. A perfect entertainment package of five episodes.
- Man’s World
Every girl wishes that someday these men would feel the struggle that we go through. So director Vikram Gupta directed an entire web series which very well portrays the struggle of being a woman. Gaurav Pandey played his role so well that by the end of the series you will a fan of his acting.
- The Trip (Season1 and Season2)
Every girl’s dream is to go out on girls trip once in her life! so this series shows what happens when 4 girls go unexpected adventure. Naziya character played by Mallika Dua would make fall for her character. This show will make you remember you’re the moments you spent with your girl gang. Basically, it is a total package of emotion, drama and laughter.
- Tripling
Road trip with siblings may not seem fun idea but this series will make you plan one. It is a story about how three siblings goes on the road to escape their problems and how they relive their childhood again how they share the same bond as they use too.
These web series may revolve around emotions but they will also guarantee you some tummy paining laughs. You will enjoy watching these shows.
Article By: Arpita