Parenting is a tough or challenging job for every parent. It needs lots of effort to develop a child into a better person. If your child has not been going to school or has some serious misbehave at school, in these cases you may have to be contacted by your Local Youth Offering Team to help you through what you need, including some possible parenting order.
A Parenting Order
This is an order which is address to give support and guidance. It helps you to prevent your child from antisocial behavior, or issues of behavior at school. This order is from the court.
Who Will Receive A Parenting Order?
A young child who used to live far away from their one parent, but is in touch with them then that parent may be issued with an order separately from their other parent. It depends upon the situation whether both parents can receive the same order or may one receive a separate order.
What Happens When You Received Parenting Order?
A parenting program is held for 3 months which parents have to attend. This program will help you deal with your child’s behavior and it will provide support and guidance. The court may include some requirements which will last up to 1 year.
A child must be at home in set hours, this you have to make sure.
How Does The Court decide To Declare A Parenting Order Or Not?
A Court will involve someone from your Youth Offending team to talk to you about your child’s behavior that leads up to the court appearance. They will get to know you, understand your problems, and issues that occurred. They will try to support you and suggest you the thing which will more helpful for you and your family. And with that, they will also provide you a written report.
If your child is under 16 years of age, then before issuing a parenting order, the court will consider family circumstances. For children who are older than the age of 16, the Court will use its discretion.
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