Being a novice hiker or trekker one can forget some important things to carry during hiking or trekking. Hikers or trekkers must carry those items which are important for any hiking or trekking trips. So let’s check out the most important items that trekkers must carry while going for a hiking or trekking trip. Your treks or hikes will become less worrisome to some extent when you don’t have to care about basic items of survival in adverse conditions.
- Water Bottle is a lifesaver thing to have on any hiking or trekking trip. Your body dehydrates but most times due to adverse temperature. Hence, sipping water frequently will keep you hydrated.
- You lose energy much faster during hiking or trekking. Munching a few things will keep your energy level optimum. Carry some dry fruits or nuts, a few chocolates or energy bars.
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- A good backpack always helps you keep your things well organized on any hike or a trek. Backpacks and rucksacks are quite comforting for shoulders and balance the loads evenly. They also provide easy access and keep your belongings well organized. Invest in a good backpack or a daypack which will help you feel light on the back.
- The comfort and protection offered by a quality pair of trekking shoes or boots are unmatched. Invest money in a comfortable, lightweight, sturdy, warm and waterproof pair of hiking shoes that can provide good ankle protection and a firm grip on slippery surfaces.
- A multi-purpose toolset, Swiss Knife has proven to be very helpful in hiking or trekking trips.
- Torchlight and Flashlight are a lifesaver.
- Your hands may get dirty either by falling or climbing. Hand sanitizers will keep a check on germs and help reduce the probability of getting sick while on a multi-day trek.
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- Buy a comfortable, breathable, cargo styled and quick dry trek pants or trousers. You can opt for trek pants with built-in gaiters to get snow protection.
- Protect yourself from UV rays and direct sunlight while trekking/hiking in places where the intensity of sun rays is far more impacting. Always wear a cap or hat during hiking. Use Sunscreen, Sunblocks, and Lipbalms to prevent sunburn.
- Always keep a hard copy of the map of your trekking trail or route. A dedicated GPS device with trail map loaded will still be worthy when it comes to gadgets but a hard copy may always prove helpful.
- Carry a basic medical kit with creams for burns, bruises, antiseptic lotions, bandages, and band-aids.
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