Surveys suggest that Indians are the most holiday deprived people in the world. Working day after day, month after month, the mind and body need a break. What better than travel? There is nothing more interesting in this world than travelling, seeing new places, and experiencing new cultures. Travelling is the best way to unwind and release stress.
The best form of travel for me is a road trip. Drive yourself to wherever you feel like. And the best road trips happen when you have your buddies with you. No matter if you are married, make time for at least one boys only trip in a year. There is nothing more fun than a boys-only road trip, where the journey is more enjoyable than the destination.
Here are 5 reasons why `boys only trip` is the best travel:
1) Break from routine
When you start working, all the time is taken by your office and then at home, your wife and kids. Your daily schedule does not allow any room for friends. So the boys only trip gives you some days without having to live your routine and see some new faces. With friends meeting after some gap, there will be new experiences for everyone to share. Boredom will not be around till ever.
2) No responsibilities, for a change
In a normal family vacation you are busy keeping things and arrangements just perfect for your family. From hotel rooms and facilities to timings, security and other things, everything needs attention and hence lesser fun. But in a boys only trip, you are just a free soul to not bother about anything. With only your buddies around, you can even manage without proper accommodation, roam free at any hour, even sleep on a bench and have fun.
3) No one to pull you back
Ever been to some hill and felt like reaching the peak, but had to withdraw your plan remembering that your wife and kid would not be able to do it, and is not safe enough for them. Yes, that`s the feeling I am talking about. At boys only trips you are free to do whatever you feel like. Try out all the adventures you want. Trek a mountain or see the graveyard at night. There`s no one to stop you.
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4) Stress free holiday
With no one to take care of, you can bring to life the kid inside you and enjoy to the fullest. You don’t have to look out for your language, scream out of your lungs in the middle of the road and no one will stop you. A few days of such unfiltered and pure fun will definitely rejuvenate you.
5) It`s Economical

Last but not the least boys only trip is heavy on fun but light on pocket. With all the friends contributing, per person cost comes out to be 1/10th of a normal family vacation to the same place.
Also Read: Travel is the best medicine!!!
I can tell you from experience, these trips are the most fun you can ever have.