“I have been working out since 6months still I did not lose any weight” after hearing this line you might remember of someone who must be complaining. It could be you or your friend. Just to bring down the scale on our weighing machine we go on hunger strikes (diet), religiously follow gym routines and also try absurd tricks that come from people living around us (because they love giving advice on anything and everything). Still no use. they scale does not come down and we get super upset and gain some calories by eating chocolates.
There could be a number of reasons why one is not able to lose fat so we listed out some for you.
1. Skipping Breakfast
Skipping breakfast has become a routine for most of us. The only reason behind this is that we don’t have enough time as we always run late so we skip some of the tasks like breakfast, having a conversation with anyone and some more. Skipping breakfast makes us overeat during lunch because of staying empty stomach for a longer time.
2. Stress
Deadlines, instalment, working odd hours all this leads to stress. Now stress could either be emotional or due to work, whichever is the case it is harmful. Due to stress, people are drawn towards eating chocolates, cakes or any other sweet item. this results in gaining calories so this could also be the reason why you cannot lose weight.
3. Slow metabolism
Metabolism helps the body in producing energy. It breaks down the food and generates energy. Slower the metabolism the easier to gain weight.
4. Imbalance in Hormones
According to our unhealthy lifestyle, most of the people are suffering from an imbalance in hormones. It could be because of stress, diabetes, thyroid, insufficient sleep and many more. A hormonal imbalance could be a bar in losing weight.
5. Lack of Vitamin D
Even after getting an abundance of Vitamin D through our daily sunshine, still, 90% of people suffer from lack of it. As a consequence, one may suffer from weight gain, sadness, fatigue or bone pain.
6. Less Physical Work
Since we all are a bunch of lazy living beings who are capable of getting tired just by converting oxygen into carbon dioxide (breathing basically). No or less physical work is the biggest reason why one cannot lose weight.
So these were some reasons why you were not able to lose weight. Get to know your reason and then work accordingly.
Article By: Arpita