Let us not deny the fact that the bonding which we share with our friends is something we don’t even share with our family. Often, you must have seen the post stating ‘Brother from another mother’ where the person has tagged his very best friend. When we look at our list of loved ones to be invited for some special occasion, more than relatives we have a huge list of friends ready with us. The one who parted ways long time back but are still in touch, the one who are with you till now in your good and bad days and the one whom you have just started to know are making a special place, friends can be many but one thing you cannot deny, it is a family which you make and you choose.
Friendship: Not just meant to be socializing
When we look around for the right friends, we probably don’t think much. It is our heart that does the talking than our brain. Even research at one popular university in Chicago stated that friends have many genes common. These are the number of genes that are usually shared by say fourth or fifth cousin. Strange! Isn’t it? Well, there are so many people we do the infection, but few of us can make that special place in our lives. These could be either our friends or our life partner.
Now you may wonder what makes these people so special in our life that before sharing any good or bad news with family, we tend to tell our friends. Well, it is the bonding and affection that we share with them. They are the ones who with a lot of care and nurture ensure that in your good and bad times you are not alone. You may get angry with your family. No matter they will stand for you always. But you can never get angry with your friend for long. This relationship is that thin thread of our life which e cannot see but it has tied the strongest knot which no one else can ever break.
Is friendship that important?

Friendship is one of the basic needs for any human to stay focused, happy and stress frees in the lifestyle in which he or she lives. Of course, it plays a major role in mending our life in the best way. We get experiences we learn new things, we understand the value of maintaining a relationship and all we learn through is friendship which is why, of course, saving this precious relationship is important. It indeed can help you get that push when you are scared or worried about something. This relationship can save you during difficult times. When you are alone, these relationships leave infinite memories for you to cherish and smile. Of course, you need to secure it and learn its value.
- Friends Gathering An Never Be Boring:
Well, you know that family gathering an always be about how tall you have grown, so what are you going to do next? But when it comes to friends gathering, you know it will never turn out to be boring. It rather will end up you guys playing your favorite monopoly or some other game that can keep you guys enjoy fun till late night while enjoying the favorite dish near a bonfire. Chitchatting while cherishing the old moments becomes interesting this of course when you are with your family is never a thing. Friends gathering is always fun and you will never be disappointed with it at all.
- You Spend More Time With Friends Than Family:
Since your friend is more or less of the same age group as you are, of course, you will look forward to sharing some activities. Your family members like mom and dad may not be able to join the gym with you, or they won’t walk and attend tuition with you. It is your friends who are with you the most. So if you are wondering what makes them so close? It is you spooning more time together be it playing games, doing shopping, or sharing mouth relishing food in the cafeteria of your school or college which is why attachment of you guys increases.
- No Secrets Ever:

There are times especially when you turn out to be a teenager, you never feel like sharing things with your parents. You prefer more space and try to be with those who are of the same age as you. Well, that is when you get close to your friends than your friends. It is your friends who are gusty enough to give you frank opinion of what you are wearing is right or not, whether the girl you liked will like you back or not. These are the thing which sharing with your family can be a little awkward for you. But friends, since don’t keep any secrete make it much easy for you to confront and which is why they know the other side of you well enough which your family surely don’t know.
- Zero Drama:
When you fight with your family, it is your friends you want to open up to. When you try to go out for some fresh air, it is your friends you ask to join you. When you look around for sharing some emotional trauma that is related to family, you prefer sharing it with your friends. Well, this is the best part. The relationship that you share with your friends doesn’t involve any kind of drama. It is a stress-free phase which of course after a lot of quarrels and drama you would want to have for relaxing your mind.
- Unbiased Opinion
Of all other relationships, if you want an unbiased opinion, you can always look up to your friend. It is your friend who can help you decide by being open about what he or she feels. Maybe that can be associated with your hair cut, girlfriend or boyfriend taste, life choices, or even what healthy food you should try to stay fit. These are some of the things you cannot expect your family to come up and tell you. No doubt your family can be pretty much open about it but the space that your friends give and the advice which they offer, probably you feel comfortable taking those than what your parents would suggest.
- A Free Therapist:
There can be some harsh moments or bad phase in your life when you want someone who would just listen to you. Your friends are non-judgmental. They will not shout at you even if you have done some big mistake. Maybe they understand that it is not the right time or you already have had enough from your family. They are like good listeners to you. In other words, they are your best of therapists free of cost. You can count on them when you feel low even in the middle of the night and they shall listen to you and be with you in all the difficult times.
- Part Of Big Events:
Whether it is your graduation, Christmas, or the big day of your life, you will always have a friend standing next to you. When it is the crucial time of your life when you shall be getting a step ahead to achieve success, or whether it is the failure you have just come across, your friend will always be in your thick and thin. This is the time when you rely on your friends than your family considering they listen and support you. At times, when your family is not able to be a part of your big events, they are the ones who decide to join you.
Also Read: How You Can Find That Someone Is Your Best Friend
- Knows You In And Out:
Whether it was the most awkward moment, you encountered or it was the most amazing moment, your friend just knows you in and out so well that you don’t have any hidden secrets from them. May be like you wanted to pee in the middle of the road and they were with you that time or maybe you went drunk at home and they were the ones who dropped you in the room safely without parents know about it. Well, your friends are the best pals of your life because they know what can go wrong, what can be the best thing and what you have done which even your family is not aware of.
- Supportive In All Ways:
Each time when you must have got dumped or fired from your office, your confidence must have shaken up. But it is your friend who comes first for your rescue. Be it an awful day or the stressful one, if you spend time with your friends they will cheer your mood up. Family can do the same but you of course don’t feel like putting them in the pressure. In case of friends you know they will take you out of pressure rather than getting themselves in. when they are in need, they will always rely on you because they know you shall back for them too. This is what friendship is all about, isn’t it?
- Share The Fun:

Not only in your bad times but your friends in the good time can also be with you celebrating. Be that you have won a lottery and you guys plan a trip or you want to booze but your parents are not aware that you drink. Your friends can be your escaping route. They are the one who makes your life more memorable by creating the memories which you guys can surely cherish for the rest of life.
- Share Laugh Even On PJ
You guys after spending so much of time together probably must have experienced so many things that when you think of it and laugh the third person may not even understand it. Imagine the incident when you guys went for a party at some of your common friend’s house. The way you guys were high and made fun of one other, you all will still think about it and laugh. But when you talk about it in front of another person especially in front of your family members, they will not even understand the reasons for you guys laughing. Besides those PJs which others don’t get but your friend or the look which only you and your friend can understand is something, you cannot do with your family.
- Cherish The Memories
You are with those close ones with whom you have spent your childhood. If you are lucky, you might spend more time in the future as well as with them. Friends are that part of your life that leaves with some amazing memories which you can cherish forever. No matter how the years have gone, when you have friends who were always there with you, you will never feel sad about the time you went without them because their memories were all that could give you support. These are the memories which your family can never replace and hence, you must make the good ones always.
- Family You Chose
As said, the only difference between your own family and friends is, friends are the ones whom you chose. They are the close people you can rely on your eyes close. When you look back on how the friendship started all you can think of is how lucky you were to have such beautiful people around. You of course are lucky to have the family of your own both the one who chose you and the one whom you chose. Such relationships are the best one you can ever think of because not everyone is lucky to have it. So call your friend or drop a text asking them how they are doing? Because just the way you are missing them, probably they miss you too and want to hear from you.
Also Read: Providing Some Best Books On The Subject Of Friendship & Friends
Why we consider our friends as family
Surely the above information must have made it clear to you that sharing the bond of friendship is more than anything in your life. You might want to have a special time with your loved ones which include family and friends. So make sure you preserve your friendship as it is precious than anything else. It is time that you take steps well and see to it that you have the best of the time spent with your friends. Because of the lifestyle which we are living in these days, we cannot just stay connected physically with our friends all the time. So what so ever time is left with you, spend with your friends to the core with happiness.