Pregnancy always gives a beautiful experience of all women’s but with good experiences, some bad experiences also associated. One of which is gas and bloating. Gas is a common symptom during pregnancy. Because during pregnancy you give attention to eating. Most people pass gas ten to 20 times a day on an average. And during pregnancy, this number can be increased as double.
Why Does Pregnancy Make You Gassy?
The increasing progesterone levels during pregnancy relax all the muscles in the body including those of the digestive tract. This slows down digestion and gas build up in the system, leading to burping, bloating, and flatulence. These develop uncomfortable sensations in the gut after a big meal.
Do not fret because with the help of several home remedies you can find out a way for the gas troubling problem during pregnancy.
Drink more water
Cleanse your digestive system by drinking 10-12 glasses of water every day. For the avoid going to the bathroom in the night you should less drinking water during night time. When you are focusing on your good digestive health than drinking water could be your best medicine. The digestive tract functions better when the body gets an adequate amount of fluid intake. It also helps expel gas and prevent constipation. You should avoid fizzy drinks like soda that can create difficulties during pregnancy.
Fenugreek Seeds
In Indian households, the age-old solution of gas is fenugreek seeds. Simply take a spoon of fenugreek seeds and soak them in water for 6-7 hours. Remove the seeds and drink the water to keep flatulence and bloating at bay.
Be active
Physical activity and exercise are very important during pregnancy. If you cannot go to the gym then you should involve 30 minutes walk in your daily life. Not only can exercise helps in keeping you physically and emotionally fit, but it can also help prevent constipation and speed up digestion. You should take precaution doing exercise during pregnancy it will be always better to consult your obstetrician first before starting any exercise.
Drink Buttermilk
Being rich in probiotic microbes, it helps promote digestion and thus prevents indigestion and excessive gas. Most people even like the taste of buttermilk. Add a pinch of rock salt to a glass of buttermilk, and drink it once or twice daily.
Reported by: Dr. Himani