The creator of the blood type food diet emphasizes that the foods you eat might differ depending on your blood type. What is beneficial for a B positive might not be good for people with O or A-type blood. Though the claims for the same haven’t been proven by science, this blood type diet has found much popularity among the populace. A B+ diet food list for people might vary when compared with other types according to D’Adamo.
There are many foods that have clubbed beneficial for people with blood type B positive. Here are all the foods listed on the B+ Diet Food List:

Above are the some food items which are good for B+ Blood Group.
- Seafood that includes deep-sea fish like cod, salmon, halibut, sole, mackerel, tuna, sardines, sturgeon, lake trout. These can be baked, grilled or poached to obtain its full nutritional value. Fish is very rich in minerals like zinc, iodine, and selenium which helps in the smooth functioning of the body. It is a good source of vitamin A and D, DHA and omega-3 fatty acids. However, people with B positive blood type should avoid all shellfish like lobster, prawns, crab, mussels as they contain lectins which can be harmful to the blood type.
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- Meat And Poultry should include meat from goat, lamb, venison and rabbit, turkey, pheasant. They should avoid eating chicken as it contains an agglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue that can cause immune disorders or strokes. People with this blood type should avoid bacon, Cornish hen, duck, goose. Ham, partridge, pork, quail, sweetbreads, and others.
- Dairy And Eggs include all types of dairy products like cottage cheese, milk from a goat, cow, yogurt, kefir, and others.
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- Nuts And Seeds include walnuts which are the most beneficial. Eating one ounce of nuts daily helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Avoid cashew nuts, pine nuts, pistachios, poppy, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame seeds.
- Olive Oil is the best suited for people with blood type B positive. They should avoid canola, coconut, corn, sesame, soy, sunflower oils as they contain lectins that can cause digestive irritation.
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- Legumes include red kidney beans, lima, and navy beans. They should avoid chickpeas, mung soybeans, and others.
- Grains include millet, oats, bran, rice. They should avoid amaranth, buckwheat, couscous, rye, wheat products, gram flour, and others.
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- Vegetables include beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, eggplant, collard greens, ginger, kale, mushrooms, peppers, sweet potatoes, and others.
- Fruits include bananas, cranberries, grapes, watermelon, pineapple, plums, and others.
These foods help to maintain a healthy diet and keep you feeling energetic and fit. The blood type B+ food list is all-inclusive and keeps people of the blood type in good health.
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