If negative energy is present in our environment, our mind remains unshaken, unhappy and distraught. Keeping our environment positive we can feel happy and relax. Negative or positive energy cannot be seen by the naked eye but it can be felt by us. By different happening things we can able predict that the energy is negative or positive. Just like human beings, the trees, and our pets can also predict positive and negative energy. Energy is felt, not seen. Your house is like a sponge. Whatever transpires in your environment is absorbed into the walls, furniture, carpet, ceiling, and objects. Negative energy seeps into our space constantly so it’s important to keep a positive flow throughout your environment with Sage house cleansing rituals. Negative energy can become restrictive and a major constraint to achieving the full potential of your life.
There is some simple and DIY solution for detecting negative energy presented in your house:
Room spray: Buying or making a room spray with pure essential oils helps clear negative energy. You can use rose, lavender, frankincense, patchouli, clove and lemon for making a room spray. This works for people too.
Saltwater and apple cider vinegar: Take one glass and filled it with one-third of salt water and one- third with the apple cider vinegar rest filled with clean water. Leave this glass untouched and unmoved in a chosen room. After 24 hours, if the glass and the solution are clear, it means that negative energy has not been detected in that room. Repeat the same for every other room in your house. If in any room, the water seems gasified after 24 hours, or the water has a bluish green tinge to it, it means that negative energy in your home has its roots in that room.
Blow sage stick at the front door: Starting at the front door, light a Sage Stick and gently blow on it until a large amount of smoke billows up. Keep an abalone shell or heat resistant container handy to catch any fallen embers.
Mopping up the floor with salt water: Add a cup of salt in one bucket of water and mopping up of the house floor with this salt water. Salt water is an excellent way of removing negativity. You can add a cup of salt in your bath bucket.
Reported by Dr. Himani